5th Enlarged Meeting of 8th WPK Central Military Commission Held




Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) — The 5th enlarged meeting of the 8th Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) took place at a time when the whole country has turned out in the efforts to implement the resolutions of the 8th Congress of the WPK and plenary meetings of its Central Committee in singled-hearted unity.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, chairman of the WPK Central Military Commission and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, guided the meeting.

Present there were members of the WPK Central Military Commission, commanding officers of the Ministry of National Defence, commanding officers of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) services and army corps. Attending there as observers were cadres of relevant departments of the WPK Central Committee.

The 5th enlarged meeting of the 8th WPK Central Military Commission discussed the orientations of major political and military activities facing the KPA including the issue of powerfully organizing the nationwide struggle by dispatching the KPA to the major theaters for rapid development in socialist construction, and measures for it.

The WPK Central Military Commission reaffirmed the importance of solving the rural question, set forth by the WPK as a prerequisite and strategic foremost affair in accomplishing the cause of socialism, and the present rural construction. And since the medium- and long-term development orientation and goal for the socialist rural construction were set clearly, it raised as a key point for discussion the issue of implementing them unconditionally.

The enlarged meeting confirmed the KPA’s action orientation and detailed duties for accelerating rural development, regional construction and grand socialist construction which the Party has planned on a long-term basis and is leading as a purposeful struggle, discussed the organizational and structural measures for implementing them and ways for using forces, and unanimously approved the relevant resolutions.

The meeting discussed and adopted the important practical steps for making more effective, powerful and offensive use of the war deterrent of the country in coping with the present situation in which the war provocations of the U.S. and south Korea are reaching the red-line.

At the meeting Kim Jong Un, reviewing and analyzing the subjective and objective situation of our revolution, said that the present grand drive for creation for accomplishing the gigantic cause of overall national prosperity, resolutely overcoming all the challenges and difficulties, calls upon the KPA, that has always played a vanguard role in the struggle for implementing the grand practical programme of the Party, to lead the whole society with more advancing and vigorous struggle.

The KPA should become a driving force and model in the sacred struggle for the socialist rural construction and economic development to turn the ideal of the people into reality, unconditionally implement the stepwise goals and thus bring about the entities of prosperity welcomed by the whole country year after year, he said.

Encouraged by the deep trust of the General Secretary who has put forward the KPA again in the van of building a prospering country to provide the people with a high civilized and happy life, all the participants made a firm pledge to certainly attain the goals of grand changes for national prosperity by fulfilling their important responsibilities and duties in carrying out the militant tasks set forth by the Party Central Military Commission.

The 5th enlarged meeting of the 8th Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea will be recorded in the history of the country as a significant meeting which further clarified the revolutionary character and nature of the KPA, the army of the Party and the people, and provided a decisive guarantee for the implementation of the programme for rural revolution in the new era and the overall development of socialist construction and made a big stride of practice for the promotion of the people’s wellbeing. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche112.3.12.)

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