Korea Of Juche” A Review by John Marchant

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Doctor Dermot Hudson is the author of many works and essays on various aspects of the DPRK’s (north Korea) development and on the originality of the Juche Idea. The Head of the UK Korean Friendship Association, Dermot Hudson is known far and wide for his tireless work in defending the DPRK and promoting the Juche philosophy by both friend and foe alike. In his latest book “Korea Of Juche” Doctor Hudson gives a comprehensive outline of why the DPRK, its ideology and social system has a unique place on the global arena, The beauty of “Juche Of Korea” that is suitable for those who are well acquainted with all things DPRK and for people who seek an introduction to the subject. In the book, Dermot Hudson uses all his four decades’ worth of knowledge on the Juche philosophy, the DPRK and Korean issues to provide the reader with a deep insight into the workings of Juche Korea. “Korea Of Juche” is available on https://www.lulu.com/en/gb/shop/dermot-hudson/korea-of-juche/paperback/product-124e6666.html