Silly capitalist tabloid propaganda against People’s Korea refuted !

 Examples of silly right wing capitalist tabloid propaganda against People’s Korea  . The Murdoch owned ‘ Sun’ and ‘ The Daily Mail ‘ (which supported Mosley’s fascists in the 1930s ) appear to be having a competition as to who can tell the silliest and stupidest lies about People’s Korea . ‘The Sun’ lacking in originality repeats the old ‘state sanctioned haircuts ‘ story which has been refuted time and time again . Whereas the ‘Mail’ tries to be original  with the ‘blacked out windows ‘ story .

Just to repeat ourselves about the haircut story . This is an old myth. A few years ago our delegation visited the Munsu Water Park and dropped at the hairdressers . On the wall were photos of the most popular hairstyles . A member of our  delegation asked if these were the only hairstyles allowed . The hairdressers were stunned by the question  and answered that if a customer wanted a style which was not shown on the picture display then they would try their best , the pictures represented a guide not a law . The hairdressers were very shocked when we told them the story about the ‘state sanctioned haircuts ‘ and ‘hairstyle law’ .

There is no need for the DPRK to ‘ban tight jeans ‘ because no one  in the DPRK wears tight jeans . In 18 visits over the course of 28 years I have never seen anyone wearing tight jeans . People in the DPRK are proud of their socialist and proud of their culture , they are happy to wear clothes that are Korean in style , patriotic and socialist , there is no need for a law banning tight jeans.

As to ‘banning blacked out windows ‘ in cars , in fact a car with blacked out windows is rare in the DPRK . The last time I saw a car with blacked out windows it belonged to the Chinese embassy in the DPRK . In fact most cars on the street in the DPRK do not belong to individuals but to factories , enterprises , organisations and institutions . The story lacks logic because even if car windows are plain it would be very difficult to see from outside the car the content of what someone was watching in the car .

The source for this nonsense and rubbish is none other than the notorious CIA backed ‘ Radio Free Asia ‘ which cannot stop lying about People’s Korea every day . The ‘Sun ‘ and ‘Mail’ are simply acting as puppets of the US in its propaganda campaign to demonize People’s Korea.

See our Top Twenty Myths for the truth about People’s Korea.