The CIA disinfo and fake news outfit NKNews have carried an article about bottles of shampoo costing $200 and a banana costing $45 . Some people are repeating this and using it to bash the DPRK with, which is of course the intention of NKNews , it is why it exists in the first place and receives generous funding from intelligence and government agencies of the West(or imperialist world ) , no ordinary worker or student can afford the $300 a year subscription fee or the even more expensive $9,000 NK Pro fee
Firstly , read the small print behind the tabloid style headline . It actually refers to imported goods , not domestically produced goods .In fact in the DPRK most goods are domestically produced because the DPRK practices self-reliance . It is a fact that more and more goods in the DPRK are domestically produced , we have seen this visiting the DPRK over the years .
Secondly, the article is actually talking about prices in shops used by tourists and diplomats etc . In fact people in the DPRK receive basic foods almost free of charge and also stuff like work clothes and school uniforms free of charge . The DPRK has a socialist planned economy and unlike capitalist countries actually has a State Price Commission that controls prices so that price rises cannot get out of control and create inflation .
Thirdly , NKNews does not have any reporters inside the DPRK. Much of its so-called analysis of the DPRK is at very best speculation and conjecture . The price story may be completely made up or it may originate from a garbled rumour based on confusion . In the shops in DPRK hotels used by foreigners and also the Diplomatic Store in East Pyongyang prices are marked in DPRK Won but actually charged for in dollars, Euro and RMB . For example a small bottle of Soju in the Koryo Hotel was about 100 won but one paid 1 Euro . Therefore the $200 bottle of shampoo and the $45 banana were probably really 200 won (2 Euros) and 45 won ( 0.45 Euros ) . It is probable that someone accidentally on purpose confused the pricing system It is worth pointing out that the shops used by DPRK citizens are of course much cheaper than the hotel shops .
Please share this widely in order to combat the lies , disinformation and slander about People’s Korea .