Fundamental Guarantee of Progress and Prosperity

World people’s strong aspirations for independent and genuine life have been left with a clear mark for justice and truth in many chronicles of human history. Now this is bursting into a flame of independence which can never be dampened by anything.

In the 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council held on June 24, developing countries raised their voices against specific states which remain undisguised in their military intervention against sovereign states under the pretext of “democracy” and “human rights”, branding them as serious infringement upon international law and as a grave threat to sovereignty and territorial integrity, and global peace and security.

Prior to this, even the “Bicentennial Congress of the Peoples of the World”, which was held against imperialism in Caracas of Venezuela with over 3,200 delegations from 23 countries, was dead set against specific states in their attempts to bring pressure to bear on the independent states which are opposed to imperialism. The Congress also discussed the issues to defend sovereignty of sovereign states and to further consolidate the solidarity among the world progressive forces.

This is a manifestation of the firm determination and will of the world progressive countries and peoples to not give in their sovereign rights even an inch to the outside forces. This also serves as great encouragement to the establishment of fair and equal international relations.

Some specific states are now resorting to extensive acts of interference and infringement of sovereignty in all parts of the world, riding roughshod over the UN Charter and international law that oppose infringement of territorial integrity or political independence of any sovereign state and interference in internal affairs and posing themselves as dominators of the world.

They, putting up a hypocritical signboard of “democracy and human rights protection” against those countries which are seen to be standing in their way for domination, are overtly committing acts based on strength to stifle sovereign states, mounting a systematic and full-scale pressure and blackmail against them.

Many countries, which were deprived of their sovereign rights in the past due to the aggressive acts of specific states, were convulsed in agony having failed to defend their people let alone their territory. Such a grim scene draws us a meaningful lesson that national sovereignty is the soul of the country and nation before it is to be the fundamental right and a legitimate symbol of a state.

Some specific states also try to realize their domination through economic infiltration in developing countries.

It is already a well-known fact that these countries throw alluring and illusory baits to developing countries and those with weak economies, just dangling “aid” and “cooperation” in front of them before they put all sorts of conditions like change of political system and supervision of election to justify their acts of political interference into sovereign states and of infringement upon their sovereignties.

Some countries, which were deceived by such a trick, are floundering in a morass of sky-high debt, which was piled up by the patronage of specific states. Western politics and lifestyle which were introduced at the cost of “cooperation” let loose a theatre rife with partisan strife, power struggle and crime. All this is aggravating severe socio-political instability and fratricidal dispute and causing a grave threat even to the state power.

Economic subordination leads to political subordination. Progress and prosperity are unthinkable apart from sovereignty. This is the truth witnessed and experienced by humankind.

The present era is the one of independence in which all countries and nations aspire to bring about social development and revival in conformity with their will and demands. We should show zero tolerance to those specific states which indulge in acts of interference and infringement aimed at seeking profits and domination.

Sovereignty could never be offered from anyone else, no matter how it is badly wished for. Nor could it be conceded by compromise and submission. It is the precious product of justice and progress which can only be brought about by the concerted efforts against injustice and tyranny.