The Silly Indiscretion of Joe Biden


The Administration of US President Joe Biden has imposed another set of sanctions against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, this time against the April 25th Animation Studio. This renowned animation studio has produced cartoon series as “Squirrels And Hedgehogs” and animated feature films as “A Hedgehog Defeats A Tiger” and “Keep The Traffic Rules”. The April 25th studio has in the past cooperated on joint ventures with companies from many countries on cartoon making. These sanctions taken by President Biden are really over the top and demonstrate to international public opinion the attempt to impose the values of US cultural hegemony upon the world. Culture, particularly that aimed at children and young people, should be an area where mutual understanding should be promoted, and not turned into a battering ram against nations such as the DPRK which practice their own social systems and sovereignty. This move by the United States brings further discredit to any claims of political and moral leadership on the global stage and makes the US ruling elite look ridiculous.

The Staffordshire Branch of the Korean Friendship Association calls for an end to this set of sanctions and indeed all punitive measures against the DPRK taken by the US, the UK, and the EU. We demand that the US and its allies enter into an honest dialogue with the DPRK and bring peace to Korea. Cultural vindictiveness is not the way forward in the 21st century, while the cultural exchange between nations is in keeping with the times. Mickey Mouse style imperialism has had its day to be replaced with the anti-imperialism and independence of the Squirrels and Hedgehogs.

Oppose ALL Sanctions On The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea!

Peace To Korea!  KOREA IS ONE!!!