Report of KFA UK Picket of the US and south Korean puppet embassies 24.06.2023


The Korean Friendship Association UK(KFA UK)  as part of its anti-US weekend of solidarity with People’s Korea picketed both the US Embassy and the south Korean puppet embassy.

Participating were members of KFA UK, the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and Association for the Study of Songun Politics as well as the New Communist Party (including general secretary Andy Brooks ), the Internationalist Revolutionary Communist Party, Labour Party, British Posadists and members of the general public.

Messages of support were received from KFA Germany, KFA Switzerland, the International Central Committee for Songun Study and Bangladesh Songun Politics Study Group, also the People’s Korea Initiative of Poland. All the messages to the picket were read out, The message from the International Central Committee for Songun Study said in part “It is most important to say the world peoples to unite for solidarity with DPRK. DPRK is not only a country, as a people’s state with popular masses in Juche spirit -self-reliance and in Songun power in self-defence, all with the target of global independence is an icon of anti-imperialist struggle”. KFA Germany in their message stressed that “We have to show the people the truth. Show how the imperialists lie, show them that the US are the aggressor, that they are the danger for world peace and not the DPRK or Russia”. The message from KFA Switzerland pointed out that “We support all counteractions of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) against US and south Korean war provocations. A second Korean War should never happen.”

The message from the People’s Korea Initative of Poland stated that “To combat the falsehoods about the People’s Korea, it is essential to mobilize all friendship initiatives, as we see in the example of the mobilization of KFA UK to defend the good name of socialist Korea. The People’s Korea Initiative commits to supporting the actions of the British branch of the KFA, in the spirit of single-hearted unity that will increase the strength of media outlets showing the truth about the People’s Korea from various countries.”

KFA UK picked the US embassy from 1500 hours to 1630 hours . KFA UK Chairman Dr Dermot Hudson made a speech in which he said that “We are here today picketing the US embassy because tomorrow the 25th of June will be the 73rd  anniversary of the provocation of the Korean War or Fatherland Liberation War

 The US imperialists, the ringleader of world imperialism and international reactionaries, provoked a war in Korea on the 25th of June 1950 by instigating their south Korean puppets to attack the young Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The US imperialists were hungry for profits and conquest. The US imperialists fought an unjust aggressive war against the Korean people. The US imperialists launched a war of conquest against the DPRK , a war to destroy the Juche-based people’s democratic system in the DPRK as well as to destroy socialism in Asia and the world….This year reactionary warmonger Biden threatened People’s Korea with nuclear annihilation saying it would be the ‘end of whatever regime’. The US imperialist and south Korean puppets are stepping up their war moves plus the  US is openly deploying strategic nuclear assets. The US and south Korea have this year carried out massive war exercises that were suspended by Trump .

US troops and nuclear assets should be withdrawn from south Korea and a permanent peace treaty signed.”

The banners of KFA UK , the International Central Committee of Songun Study , the Internationalist Revolutionary Communist Party  and DPRK flags were displayed as well as placards denouncing US and south Korean military exercises and calling for the defence of People’s Korea.

Picketers chanted ‘ US out of Korea “ ,’Defend People’s Korea ‘  , ‘Down with Imperialism ‘ , “Yankee Go Home “ , “Korea is One ‘ and Victory to the Korean People’s Army ‘.

Discussions were held with passers by and leaflets given out.

Picket concluded at 1630 hours.

A ‘mini picket ‘ of the south Korean puppet embassy was held from 17.15 hours to 1800 hours .

KFA UK Chairman Dr Dermot Hudson denounced the south Korean puppet regime for its sychophantic flunkeyism towards the US including the south Korean puppet ruler singing the song “American pie’ . Dr Hudson draw attention to the presence of the USS Michigan a US nuclear submarine to south Korea .

The DPRK flag and KFA UK banner were displayed .

Picketers chanted ‘Korea is One ‘ , ‘Down with the south Korean puppet regime ‘ , ‘Down with Yoon ‘ and “US out of Korea ‘.

A member of the south Korean puppet embassy staff  photographed the picket and also spied on the picket from the 2nd floor of the Embassy . He came over to the picket and was offered a copy of a book by President KIM IL SUNG on the Reunification of Korea but he said he was not allowed to read it ! So much for “freedom”and “democracy’ in south Korea.

The picket concluded at 1800 hours.
