UK KFA slams FCO propaganda on human rights

23rd of September 2019
The UK Korean Friendship Association (UK KFA ) issued the following statement denouncing
the UK Foreign Commonwealth Office’s statement to the UN Periodic Health Rights Review :
We  denounce the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) for its interference in the DPRK’s internal affairs and hostility to the socialist system in the DPRK.
Recently the UK Mission to the UN issued a statement saying that there are “widespread, and systematic human rights violations in the DPRK”.
This is a total lie ! There are no human rights violations in the DPRK , there are no concentration camps etc . Everyone in the DPRK has the right to free health , free education as well as a job and housing .These rights are not guaranteed in the UK and other Western countries .
What the UK FCO is really calling for is the overthrow of the people-centred socialist system in the DPRK !