UK KFA denounces NKNews false stories about People’s Korea

UK KFA denounces NKNews false stories about People’s Korea

23rd of October 2019

UK KFA denounces the false stories about drug use and ‘drug culture’ in People’s Korea being spread by the mendacious NKNews . NKNews is partially funded by the south Korean puppet ‘Unification Ministry ‘ and is closely linked to the CIA , south Korean ‘National Intelligence Service” and other Western intelligence services .

Needless to say the source for the story is -wait for it . a “defector’ !!!!( how original of NKNews !) . It goes without saying that stories from ‘defectors’ have been proven untrue time and time again.

On numerous visits to the DPRK I have never seen anyone who looked like they were under the influence of drugs . In actual fact drug trafficking in the DPRK is a very serious offence . Moreover the DPRK does not have unemployment , poverty or alienation which create the conditions for drug use .Ironically it is the Western countries that have massive drug problems. It would not surprise me if some of the NKNews staff sniff cocaine !