Speech of Martin Lotscher KFA Switzerland to the KFA International Meeting , Copenhagen, Denmark 16.11.2019

Speech of Martin Lotscher KFA Switzerland
KFA International Meeting
President KIM IL SUNG Shines Forever as the Most Benevolent Leader of the People!
Copenhagen, November 16, Juche 108 (2019)

Dear delegates,
There are many great and important persons with merits for their country and people.
But there was never before a great man like President Kim Il Sung!
Korea was blessed with his outstanding and noble personality. He was the benevolent leader and father of the Korean nation aand people.

When he was born on April 15, 1912 at Mangyongdae, Korea was enslaved brutally by the Japanese imperialists. They made of the Korean people a people of “stateless slaves”.
But the birth of President Kim Il Sung was like the rise of the warming sun. Brought up and educated by his parents who were great patriots who fought for Korea’s freedom and independence, the young Kim Il Sung followed them on the road of revolution. His staunch determination and will was the liberation of his beloved country and people.
Soon the Korean people saw him as the bright Sun who brings freedom, independence and happiness.
With the great Juche Idea the great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung handed the theoretical base for the anti-Japanese struggle to the people.
The Juche-based Songun Idea, also fathered by the great Comrade Kim Il Sung, opened the way to the armed struggle for national liberation.
When the great Generalissimo Kim Il Sung defeated the Japanese imperialists with the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army (KPRA) and liberated the fatherland, the whole Korean people cheered him as the great hero and as the shining Sun of the Nation.
With the new democratic Korea and the foundation of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) and the Democratic People’s Repubic of Korea (DPRK), President Kim Il Sung made the most precious gift to the Korean people: the birth of the first free, independent and democratic state.
But the tragedy of national division made by the US imperialists who occupied Korea’s southern half, still remained as an obstacle. And soon later, the Yankee beasts launched their bloody and cruel war of aggression against the young DPRK and the Korean people. Their criminal goal was to destroy the people’s power in its cradle.
But under the illustrous Songun supreme command of the great Generalissimo Kim Il Sung the Korean People’s Army (KPA) and the Korean people fought heroically in the Fatherland Liberation War and defeated the US imperialist aggressors.
The great Generalissimo Kim Il Sung was the first military commander in history who won a victory over the “world superpower” United States! He was the iron-willed invincible commander and military strategist of Mt. Paektu! And he defeated two imperialist “giants” – Japan and the US – in only one generation!
Under the brillant leadership of President Kim Il Sung the DPRK was rebuilt in the speed of Chollima and became the people’s paradise with free medical care, free education and free housing as well as the abolition of taxes.
These glorious feats and exploits were unparalleled not only in the world in general, but also among all socialist countries.
With his life-long creed The People Is My God he made of socialist Korea the people’s fairyland!
President Kim Il Sung also fought untiringly for Korea’s independent and peaceful reunification until the end of his great life.
Really, the great President Kim Il Sung was the shining sun of Korea. He was the Heaven-sent greatest liberator and benefactor.
Looking back on his brillant life we can see that no other leader in world history is comparable to President Kim Il Sung. He was not only a great leader, military commander and gifted strategist, statesman and political activist, but also the good-hearted and benevolent father of the nation and the people. He was a noble personality.
His great achievements for the Korean nation, for global independence and for world peace are unique!
His great work was carried forward by the great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il who declared President Kim Il Sung as the eternal President of the DPRK.
And today it is the respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un who is guiding the building of a thriving and powerful socialist state and who works for national reunification, for global independence and peace. Under his great leadership, these glorious goals will be realised with final victory.
The great President Kim Il Sung is in fact immortal! He is enshrined in the noble personalities of his glorious and dignified successors, Chairman Kim Jong Il and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un!

Eternal Glory to the great Leader President Kim Il Sung, the Sun of Korea and Sun of Juche!

Long life and best health to the respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un, great Sun of the 21st Century!

Glory to the Workers’ Party of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!

Martin Lötscher,
president and OD of KFA Switzerland (Swiss Korea Committee),
president of the Swiss Organizing Committee for the International
Festival in Praise of the Great Persons of Mt. Paektu