Speech commemorating 25 years since Great Leader, President Kim Il Sung, passed away to the KFA International Meeting -Comrade Adrian Crăciunoiu (General Secretary of KFA Romania)

Speech commemorating 25 years since Great Leader, President Kim Il Sung, passed away

Dear comrades and friends,
This year, in July, it was  25 years since our beloved and esteemed leader, President Kim Il Sung, suddenly passed away, leaving behind a truly prosperous country, a land of eternal happiness and prosperity.A quarter of a century has passed without our Great Revolutionary, the Liberator of Korea from the yoke of the Japanese imperialists, the staunch defender of the Socialist Fatherland in the face of the US imperialist aggression and also the founder of the great Juche Idea. Because of all these reasons, I hereby want to remind to all who are here today the huge achievements of the Eternal President.
President Kim Il Sung was the man who led to victory the just struggle of the Korean people against the Japanese imperialists military occupation, achieving the cause of national liberation in one generation.
The first step taken by the President concerning the anti-Japanese armed struggle was the creation in 1926 of the Down-with-Imperialism-Union (DIU), the first genuine communist organization in Korea, and also the creation of the Young Communist League. In July 1930, the Kalun Conference took place, President Kim Il Sung creating for the first time in the history of the international working class, the great Ideas of Juche and Songun, a brand new outlook of the world, putting the man in its centre.
In 1932, the Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army (AJPGA), was formed by President Kim Il Sung, in order to wage the armed struggle for the liberation of the country and people from the oppression of the Japanese imperialists. In 1934, it was transformed into the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army (KPRA). The KPRA represented the first army in the history of Korea that had as its backbone the sons and daughters of workers, peasants, and other patriotic people. Moreover, it was the first army of the Korean People educated in the spirit of proletarian internationalism and Marxism-Leninism.
The day of August 15, 1945, brought the long-awaited Liberation of the Korean people, after 40 years of colonial enslavement imposed upon Korea by the Japanese imperialists. The Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, fighting alongside the Soviet Army, smashed to pieces the Kwantung Army of the Japanese imperialists, marching forward into the homeland.
After the liberation of the country from the military occupation of Japan, the next fundamental task to be accomplished was the revolutionary transformation of the society. President Kim Il Sung launched without delay the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution, the first towards the complete liquidation of all reactionaries and class enemies, such as landlords and bureaucratic capitalists. During this period, the Agrarian Reform was enacted. 1,000,325 hectares of land belonging to Japanese imperialists and traitors to the country were confiscated and distributed to approximately 724,522 peasants with no land at all, thus the remaining vestiges of the old feudal society being completely wiped aut. In August 1946, all means of production, such as factories, banks, transport and communications were fully nationalised, becoming property of the people. In the same year, President Kim Il Sung procclaimed the Law on Sex Equality.
The year 1948 was marked by very important events in the history of the Korean Revolution. On February 8, 1948, the Korean People’s Army was founded, the regular armed forces of the DPRK, which are always ready to defend the revolutionary gains of the people. In April, in Pyongyang took place the historical Conference of Political Parties and Social Organizations of North and South Korea, in an effort to prevent the division of the country. In the same year, under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, there were organized elections for deputies to the Supreme People’s Assembly (August 1948). In the North, over 99,98 percent of the people voted, while in the South, despite the harsh repression they were facing from the reactionary regime and US imperialists, 77,25 percent of the people took part in the elections. On the basis of the elections for SPA, President Kim Il Sung proclaimed to the world the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on September 9, 1948. The Political Programme of the Government of the DPRK laid a solid foundation for the transition to the next stage of the Korean Revolution, that is the socialist revolution. Unfortunately, this process would be delayed by the armed invasion of the south Korean puppet army, at the instigation of the US imperialists, on the morning of June 25, 1950.
After the US imperialist army occupied the South, installing a fascist military government, the next step these criminals took was to provoke a war against the DPRK, in an effort to swallow the whole Peninsula, as a base for launching a war against the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China, in a desperate attempt to stiftle the fight for socialism, peace and democracy. In the morning of June 25, 1950, the  Syngman Rhee fascist puppet regime, at the orders of the US imperialists, launched a full-scale invasion against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. President Kim Il Sung immediately ordered the People’s Army to start a counter-offensive in order to frustrate the invasion. In just three days, the heroic Korean People’s Army managed to liberate Seoul, the capital of the puppet regime, continued to march forward, liberating the cities of Taejon, Pusan, destroying on its way the US and south Korean puppet troops . 90% of the Korean Peninsula was liberated by the Korean People’s Army, but the situation changed drastically in September 1950, after the Inchon landing, when the US imperialists mobilized its Mediteranean fleet and also requested the support of the armed mercenaries from 15 countries (UK, Colombia, Taiwan, monarcho-fascist Greece and even the Japanese reactionaries). President Kim Il Sung issued an order for the Korean People’s Army to perform a strategic retreat, so as  to defend the territory of the DPRK. The entry in the war of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army (CPV), as decided by Chairman Mao, proved to be decisive in the fight against the US imperialist invasion, by the end of 1950, the whole territory of the Republic being completely liberated from occupation of the fascist puppet regime and the US imperialists. The front line was then stabilized around the 38th Parallel, all the US imperialists attempts at trying to start a counter-attack being frustrated by the brave soldiers of the Korean People’s Army, in fierce battles such as the one from the Height 1211. The day of July 27, 1953, brought to a victorious end the Fatherland Liberation War, US imperialism being forced to accept its defeat by signing the Armistice Agreement. Thus, President Kim Il Sung proved the correctness of comrade Stalin’s words : „history proved that there are no invincible armies”. The Korean people, led by President Kim Il Sung gave to the whole world a lesson of courage and determination in the face of the most dangerous enemies of peace and socialism.
After the end of the war, the new task that stood in front of the Korean people, led by President Kim Il Sung was the reconstruction of the country, ravaged by the heavy bombardments of the imperialists, and also the advance towards socialism. The Korean people rapidly fulfilled this task, so that in just a few years after 1953, the DPRK was entirely rebuilt from scratch. Concerning the ideological question, President Kim Il Sung strongly advocated for the unity of the international communist movement, rejected the erroneous theses presented by the arch-traitor Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU, held in February 1956. President Kim Il Sung fully understood the necessity of the continuing of the class struggle during socialism, defeating the the Li Sung Yop-Pak Hon-Yong reactionary clique and the Kim Tu-Bong- Pak Chang-Ok factionalist group, which was espousing revisionist and counter-revolutionary tendencies. Important to mention is that during the 3rd Congress of the Workers Party of Korea, President Kim Il Sung defended the revolutionary legacy of comrade Stalin, which irritated the Soviet revisionist clique.
One of the biggest achievements of President Kim Il Sung is the creation of the Juche Idea, according to which the man is the master of his destiny, and the popular masses are playing an active part in the socialist construction and revolutionary transformation of the society. These principles are in full concordance with dialectical materialism, rejecting any idealist or religious superstition. President Kim Il Sung was guided by the boundless love for the people, dedicating his all for the prosperity and well-being of the people,  his lifetime motto being „The people are my God”. Another important achievement of President Kim Il Sung is the successful accomplishment of the Three Revolutions: Technological, Cultural, and Ideological, which had as a result the improvement of the ideological level of the Party cadres, the technological development of the country and the complete eradication of the old bourgeois culture and mentality that was replaced by the new proletarian culture and way of life. Thus, the DPRK transformed into a developed socialist country, all traces of the feudal customs and mentality being wiped out. The style of socialism implemented by President Kim Il Sung also enjoyed the support and admiration of other leaders of the socialist states, such as comrade Nicolae Ceaușescu. În July 1971, comrade Ceaușescu made a visit in the DPRK and being impressed by the Korean-style socialism, he decided to adopt some of its elements, publishing the July Theses. I must also remind the comradely attitude shown by President Kim Il Sung towards comrade Ceaușescu during this visit, by organizing a magnificent parade to honour the friendship between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Socialist Republic of Romania. I pledge that in a future Socialist Romania, the first step to be made will be the strengthening of our close relations with the DPRK.
President Kim Il Sung also made uninterrupted efforts concerning the reunification of the  Fatherland. In 1972, he made public „The Three Principles for the Reunification of the Fatherland”, and in 1980 he drew up the project for the creation of a confederal republic, which was to be named the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo, in honour of the first unified state in the history of Korea. These were the first significant steps concerning the reunification, contributing a lot to the progress made after he passed away, resulting in two inter-Korean summits, held in 2000 and 2007 under the leadership of General Kim Jong Il and three more summits under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un. That being said, President Kim Il Sung was among the first patriotic fighters for the cause of reunification. I am anxiously waiting for the day when the reunification will come true.
Because of all these achievements, President Kim Il Sung is and will remain immortal in the hearts of the Korean people and all progressive peoples of the world. President Kim Il Sung will shine forever, being the most beloved leader of all Korean people. President Kim Il Sung has not passed away and he will never pass away. President Kim Il Sung, you will always live in our hearts! Your spirit will always guide us in the fight for the reunification of the Fatherland and for the triumph of the communist cause in the whole world.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, President Kim Il Sung!
Long live the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea! Long live the Korean Friendship Association! Long live Juche and Songun! MANSE!!!

Comrade Adrian Crăciunoiu (General Secretary of KFA Romania)