A review by John Marchant of “The Guiding Light of Destiny”, Ko Pong, Pyongyang FLPH. 2003.




This small book of 104 pages has so much ideological and intellectual wealth and elaboration contained within it. “The Guiding Light of Destiny” is authored by Ko Pong, a south Korean academic from the Society of Independent Philosophy based in Seoul. Ko Pong is able to achieve in his book a clear and comprehensive overview of the Juche Idea and its creativity in relation to social issues. The position of philosophy in society is compared by the author to the ancient Greek legend of Ariadne Thread. That is the Juche philosophy has given rise to a history of humanity knowing itself. The Juche philosophy elucidated that human beings have the social attributes of independence, creativity, and consciousness. The volume in question is written in an accessible fashion but has a very considered and scholarly feel to it. A highly recommended read for both novices and experts on the subject of the Juche Idea

John Marchant – Staffordshire KFA UK branch