One scholar has recently said that if Karl Marx is alive or a true Marxist is around, they will surely examine the American political system and never accept it as a democratic one.
His remarks could be seen reasonable because he properly saw through the current world politics where the true nature of democracy is seriously distorted by the Western politicians and their mouthpieces.
Democracy, which etymologically means “governing by people”, stands for the politics that comprehensively express the will of popular masses. Accordingly, politics which reflects the will and desire of popular masses is real democracy, whereas the politics that speaks for the privileged few is fake.
American-style democracy is a political system that excludes the absolute majority of popular masses from politics and ensures the governance only by the privileged few.
The United States is boasting of its democracy of “one person, one ballet” when referring to its election system, but ordinary citizens are in fact strictly restricted by various kinds of conditions attached.
According to the American press, presidential and parliamentary elections in 2020 were the most expensive political elections that costed US$14.4 billion. This fact alone illustrates that the elections in the U.S. are degenerated into an exclusive property of the rich.
The economic rights of the absolute majority of popular masses are ruthlessly violated and obliterated under the American-style democracy.
In American society, the rise in unemployment rate becomes chronic, and the poor citizens are leading their lives in anxiety and despair.
The number of people wandering around for begging is ever increasing, and the rich are becoming richer in America. This is furthering the divide between the poor and the rich, and eventually, the phrase “99 percent for 1 percent” has emerged, mirroring the true feature of the United States.
Now the question is why America is so much struggling to cover its political system – the one that has nothing to do with true democracy – with a veneer of democracy.
As the Second World War ended with the victory of anti-fascist forces and the democratic forces were strengthened as never before, the politicians in the U.S. and the Western countries felt a sense of urgency to obstruct the combination of socialism and popular masses and to paralyze the political consciousness of the popular masses in order to neutralize the crisis of their systems.
This motivated the American academic circle to coin a new concept that “multi-party system”, “division of three powers” and “enhancing the role of parliament” should be the standard of democracy and to start fabricating theories for covering their political systems with a veneer of democracy.
As the above scholar has asserted, it will be appropriate to call the political systems of the United States and the Western countries a “system of negating each other” or “system of confrontational nature”, not a democratic system.