Category Archives: Uncategorized

O F F I C I A L S T A T E M E N T Regarding the hostile and terrorist act of removing the main Korean Friendship Association UKFacebook page.

  Regarding the hostile and terrorist act of removing the main Korean Friendship Association UKFacebook page. To all KFA UK members. To all people who value truth and freedom of speech. Dear Korean Friendship Association UK members, dear supporters and others. On March 19, Facebook owner or staff and as who suspect acted at the […]

Press Statement of Director General for Int’l Organizations of DPRK Foreign Ministry Issued

Pyongyang, March 19 (KCNA) — Jo Chol Su, director general of the Department of International Organizations of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, made public the following press statement on Sunday: The U.S. representative to the UN dared find fault with the DPRK at the meeting of the UN Security Council […]

Press Statement of DPRK Vice Foreign Minister

Pyongyang, March 19 (KCNA) — Kim Son Gyong, vice-minister for International Organizations of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, issued the following press statement on Sunday: The UN secretary-general made irresponsible remarks through his spokesperson taking issue once again with the DPRK’s exercise of its just right to self-defence on March […]

Press Statement of DPRK Permanent Mission to UN

Pyongyang, March 19 (KCNA) — The permanent mission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the United Nations issued the following press statement on March 19: Despite concern and objection of the international society aspiring to justice, the U.S. mobilized its followers and convened an unlawful ill-purpose meeting in the UN arena to discuss […]

The Day When NKNews Staked Out and Harrassed the KFA UK Picket of the south Korean puppet embassy- a trip down memory lane

  Last weekend we, KFA UK, held a successful picket of the south Korean puppet embassy to protest against the war exercises of the south Korean puppet regime and the increased repression of the south Korean puppets towards reunification activists and trade unions. The picket was well received and passers-by expressed positive views. However, my […]

Demonstration of Toughest Response Posture of DPRK’s Strategic Forces ICBM Hwasongpho-17 Launched

                                      Pyongyang, March 17 (KCNA) — Under the grave situation in which the most unstable security environment is being created in the Korean peninsula due to the frantic, provocative and aggressive large-scale war drills conducted by the […]