Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) — Ra Jong Min, a commentator on international affairs of the DPRK, issued an article titled “Only fools can jump into fire with faggot on their backs” on Tuesday. The full text of the article is: Shortly ago, the Ministry of Defense of Canada announced that it would stage an “Operation […]
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Pyongyang, October 9 (KCNA) — A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK gave the following answer to a question by KCNA on Sunday as regards the brutal terrorist attack in Syria that caused many casualties: The recent hideous terrorist act was prompted by the sinister intention of the hostile forces inside and outside […]
The picture below is the Party Founding Museum, in which the historical materials related with the preparations for the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea are on display. Under the leadership of the Party, the Korean people have carved out their destiny independently, and the DPRK is now vigorously building a powerful socialist country, […]
The emblem of the Workers’ Party of Korea is emblazoned with a writing brush, together with a hammer and a sickle. This is different from those of other communist parties, most of which consist of a hammer and a sickle. Then, is the WPK different from them only in terms of the emblem? In […]
How come the Workers’ Party of Korea, the ruling party in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, has received absolute support and trust of the masses of the people for over 70 years? The answer can be found in its political ideals. Its political ideals are, in a word, the people-first principle. This principle demands […]
Pyongyang, October 6 (KCNA) — The flag of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) is imprinted on the minds of all the Korean people as the warm and dear mother who guides the Korean revolution and construction to only victory. Today […]
Let us break up south Korea-US nexus! The AINDF releases an appeal On October 1, the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front issued an appeal under the title of “Let us resolutely smash the aggressive yet submissive south Korea-US alliance through a nationwide campaign!” on the threshold of 70th anniversary of the conclusion of the south […]
France Should Refrain from Disturbing Peace and Security in Northeast Asia: Analyst Pyongyang, October 6 (KCNA) — Ryu Kyong Chol, a researcher of the Korea-Europe Association, on Friday issued the following article “France should refrain from disturbing peace and security in Northeast Asian region”: France reportedly plans to send the patrol plane Falcon 200 to […]