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Great Event Heralding Arrival of New Era, Turning Point in Bolstering up Juche-based Naval ForceCeremony of Launching Newly-built Submarine Held with Splendor in Presence of Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un

Ceremony of Launching Newly-built Submarine Held with Splendor in Presence of Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pyongyang, September 8 (KCNA) — A new powerful entity has emerged to demonstrate the rapid development of the Juche-based naval force all over the world in the glorious journey of ushering in a new era of a great prosperous […]

Flower Buds that Never Bloomed 2023.9.6. Recently, the British media reported the case of a nurse charged with the murder of 7 neonates and attempted murder of 6 more, throwing everyone into consternation. She injected insulin and air into the newborn babies she was in charge of and forced them to drink milk. She often used all sorts of […]

75 years along the road of Juche, self-reliance and socialism -contribution to the international friendship and solidarity forum -75 years of Juche Korea-Dr Dermot Hudson

On the 9th of September 1948, a new socialist state was born, a socialist country of Juche, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK ) which was founded by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG. The DPRK outlived those socialist countries which were founded around the same time and indeed outlived the former Union […]

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. A country of happiness and prosperity under the star of Juche style Socialism -contribution of Alan Bolon -KFA UK Organisation Secretary and head of KFA UK West of England

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is worth recalling the history, of the creation of the current power of this country with its comprehensive prosperity and happiness of its citizens, who on the occasion of this anniversary will certainly be honoured if this unique anniversary is […]

75 YEARS OF VICTORIES AND GLORIES-Shaun Pickford -head of Staffordshire KFA UK branch and secretary general British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea.

Over the course of social-historical development, politics constituted one of the basic spheres of human activity. The role and influence of politics are immeasurably greater in a socialist society, where the working masses play the leading role. Having gained a deep insight into the decisive role political life has on society, the three Great Leaders […]