Category Archives: Uncategorized

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays Congratulatory Visit to KPA Navy Command

Pyongyang, August 29 (KCNA) — The Juche-based naval force, which has won great fame, making the immortal history of heroic combats to defend the sea of the country along the immutable course of loyalty under the ever-victorious Workers’ Party of Korea, is significantly celebrating the day of its foundation. The Navy of the Korean People’s […]

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Congratulatory Speech in Celebration of Navy Day

  Pyongyang, August 29 (KCNA) — The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un paid a congratulatory visit to the Navy Command on the occasion of the Navy Day, the holiday of the glorious Navy of the Korean People’s Army, and made a meaningful speech to congratulate all the service personnel of the Navy. He said: Paying […]

From Voice of Korea. History and Tradition   There are many monumental creations representing devoted efforts of young people in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. In the chronicles of the revolution, the Korean young people wrought amazing miracles at the sites of grand construction including the Haeju-Hasong railway project, the northern railway project, the 40-odd-kilometre-long Youth Hero Motorway project and […]

Commentary by DPRK Institute of International Studies

  Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) — The Institute of International Studies of the DPRK on Sunday made public the following commentary titled “Touchdown point of U.S.-made fighters is only slough of downfall”:   The Ukrainian situation is falling deeper into the maze of war, as the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway have recently decided to provide […]