Category Archives: Uncategorized

Participants in Celebrations of 70th Anniversary of War Victory Arrive Pyongyang

                      Pyongyang, July 25 (KCNA) — In the period of the overall development of socialist construction in which all the people are demonstrating the dignity and invincibility of the DPRK to the whole world by inheriting the precious tradition of victory under the guidance of […]

Kim Il Sung Defeats Two Imperialist Powers

  Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), the eternal President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, created a model of national liberation struggle in colonies by defeating two imperialist powers in his generation. Creating a Model of Guerrilla Warfare Korea was under Japan’s military occupation from 1905 to 1945. Having declared an all-out war against Japan, […]

Rodong Sinmun on Historical Significance of Great War Victory

  Pyongyang, July 24 (KCNA) — Rodong Sinmun Monday dedicates a co-signed article to the 70th anniversary of victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.   Seventy years have passed since the historic day when the hurrahs of the victors who defeated the formidable imperialist enemies reverberated throughout the country and the whole planet was filled […]

KCNA’s Detailed Report on Mass Movement Conducted during War

KCNA’s Detailed Report on Mass Movement Conducted during War Pyongyang, July 24 (KCNA) — The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) Sunday made public a detailed report on the great vitality of the all-people mass movement widely conducted in the front and the rear in hearty response to the appeal of the leader during the 1950-1953 […]

Starting Line

  Teachers bury their lifelong ideals and ambitions under the dreams of students without hesitation. Some of them failed to see the success of students. Among them is Merited Athlete Paek Tong Nam who was the athletics teacher of the Mangyongdae District Extracurricular Juvenile Sports School in the capital city of Pyongyang. He passed away […]