Grain Arrive at Flood-Stricken Area in Unpha County

Pyongyang, August 10 (KCNA) — Great loving care of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un who prioritizes safety and happiness of people and spares nothing for them has reached people in the flood-hit area of Unpha County.

He visited Taechong-ri, Unpha County which suffered unexpected natural disaster and took measures to promptly bring the living of inhabitants to normal on the dangerous spot inundated by flood. He showed the great solicitude of sending reserve grain of the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission to the people in the flood-ravaged area.

Trucks carrying grain arrived at Unpha County on Sunday morning.

There was a ceremony for conveying grain sent by the Supreme Leader to the people in Taechong-ri, Unpha County, North Hwanghae Province, at the county seat.

Officials and agricultural workers of the county and ri were present there.

Upon the authorization of the Supreme Leader, Ri Il Hwan, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and vice-chairman of the WPK Central Committee, made a conveying address.

He said that upon receiving the report that the flood had inundated lots of dwelling houses in Unpha County, the respected Supreme Leader visited the flood-hit area before everything and took measures to stabilize their living as early as possible, being sick at heart about misfortune of those who lost their houses and properties.

He noted that the Supreme Leader, who sat up all night, not relieved, visited several places in Taechong-ri on muddy road early in the next morning and unfolded a grand operation plan for building model dwelling houses in a short period.

He said that thanks to the warm loving care of the Supreme Leader, adversity will certainly turn into favorable situation and there will appear new houses and new villages full of happiness.

Then followed speeches.

Recalling the day when they met in tears the Marshal who personally drove a car to the village, the speakers admired the Marshal as the kind-hearted father of people and the sun of their life as he takes the suffering of people as his greatest pain and spares nothing to help them get rid of it.

They stressed that they would bear deep in mind the great loving care of the Marshal, turn Taechong area into good one with redoubled efforts and clearly show the world the fact that all blessings come when they trust and follow the Marshal only with good harvest which they would reap in the rehabilitated fertile land.

The inhabitants of the flood-hit area who received grain of love sent by the Supreme Leader were greatly moved and excited to tears and respectfully extended their greeting of thanks to the Party Central Committee. -0-