Glory to the Memory of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG !


Comrade KIM IL SUNG was the greatest of great men who gave the Korean people independence from the brutal and barbaric Japanese imperialist colonial rule .  He was the ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander who defeated two ferocious imperialist powers in one generation .

The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG was the great ideologist , theoretician and thinker who created the great and immortal Juche idea which is the guiding compass for the liberation of the oppressed toiling proletarian masses and the whole of humanity .

Thanks to the excellent theories of comrade KIM IL SUNG as well his incredible hardwork and great leadership  a powerful independent socialist country of Juche , a model of socialism and people’s paradise .

Comrade KIM IL SUNG was a great indomitable revolutionary fighter who fought against modern revisionism , opportunism , dogmatism and flunkeyism.

He is alive in our hearts and minds  . The cause of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG is carried forward by dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN.