Greetings on International Women’ Day !

In People’s Korea , International Women’s Day  is an official public holiday and is celebrated by many different events.

In People’s Korea there is true equality for women . Back in 1946 the Law on Sexual Equality gave women equal status with men and also banned prostitution . Article 77 of the DPRK Socialist Consitution  states as follows ;”Women are accorded equal social status and rights with men.

The State shall afford special protection to mothers and children by providing maternity leave, reduced working hours for mothers with several children, a wide network of maternity hospitals, creches and kindergartens, and other measures.

The State shall provide all conditions for women to play their full roles in society.”.

Thus legalisation is backed by practical measures such as free childcare , maternity  leave and generous measures such as  allowing women with 3 children or more , to work 6 hours but get paid for 6 hours-something completely unthinkable in the capitalist world . People’s Korea is the land of genuine socialist women’s liberation