KFA UK Analysis of the DPRK’s stance towards south Korea .

Recently ,two important policy statements on south Korea were issued by the DPRK . The first one was in the form of the report of the 9th Plenum of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea and the press statement of comrade Kim Yo Jong , vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea .

Both these statements clarified the DPRK’s position towards relations with south Korea and the question of reunification .

Basically , the DPRK is going to regard south Korea as an enemy .Moreover there are going to be no illusions about different regimes in south Korea

. All south Korean puppet regimes whether they are ‘liberal ‘ , ‘conservative ‘ or ‘fascist’ are at the end of the day puppets of US imperialism and also simply represent different factions or tendencies within the south Korean comprador bourgeoise .

‘Liberals ‘ like Kim Dae Jung ,Roh Myun Hyun and Moon Jae In all accepted the US occupation of south Korea and did not attempt to challenge it also they did not abolish the repressive National Security Law .

At the end of the day the south Korean puppet regime needs to be smashed and overthrown if reunification is to be achieved .

We are awaiting clarification from the DPRK bodies such as the DPRK committee for cultural relations with foreign and the Korean Association of Social Scientists as to whether the DPRK is now adopting the ‘one country , one system ‘ approach