Marshal Kim Jong Un – the Benevolent Father of our Children

There is one appellation that echoes through this land in one voice.

Our father is Marshal Kim Jong Un!

It is a display of true feelings from the hearts of not only our children numbering millions but also from those of all our people across the country.

There are so many countries and as many leaders in the world. However, there is no such a leader in the world as our respected Marshal who is endowed with ardent love for and devotion to children as his natural disposition nor would there be any leader who takes so much pain and care for the children.

If the children, born and growing up on this land are well fed and raised healthy in a good environment from childhood, our society will be brimming over with as much vim and vigour in 20 or 30 years’ time and the national power of our Republic will gain in strength –  this is the noble intention of the respected Marshal.

The introduction of universal 12-year compulsory education system, up-to-date educational condition and environment, palaces built across the country for the children with no parents, the modern Okryu Children’s hospital, Mindulle (dandelion) notebooks, Sonamu (pine tree) schoolbags and school uniforms – all these issues related to children are permeated with the traces of warm love and devotion of the respected Marshal as well as his constant work for posterity.

The respected Marshal, thoughtful of the growth and development of children in their kindergarten age – an issue that even their own parents have not thought of as yet- saw to it that the policy be adopted of providing children throughout the country with nutritious food such as dairy products at state’s expense, and has exerted tireless, devoted and unheard-of efforts for its execution.

This has produced the heartwarming sight some time ago, the sight so inspiring not only for the nursery school caregivers and the parents but also for the whole city of Pyongyang when the dairy products were supplied to all children in nursery schools.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who has taken the measure of love warmer than fire for posterity and for our children even at difficult times when everything is scarce! It is because he considered the work for the coming generation as the top priority among all other matters of importance of the state and regarded the laughter and singing voices of our children as the vigorous sound of advance of our socialism.

Thanks to our respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is now writing with his innumerable pains and efforts the noble history of love for posterity and the future, our children, amid the song “We have nothing to envy in the world”, will grow up stalwart as pillars to the powerful Korea of the future, calling out that our father is Marshal Kim Jong Un.