Mausoleum of King Tangun, Founding Father of Korean Nation

The mausoleum of King Tangun, the founding father of the Korean nation, is situated at the foot of Mt Taebak in Munhung-ri, Kangdong County on the outskirts of Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Tangun established Ancient Joson (early 30th century BC-108 BC), the first state in the history of Korea.

Covering a total area of 45 hectares, the mausoleum consists of the section of the monument to its renovation and the one of stone sculptures and the central section.

Inside the coffin chamber there are the coffins of Tangun and his wife.

As the mausoleum contains elements showing the cultural, political, economic and military might of Ancient Joson and is based on the traditional form of the tomb of the Korean nation, it is regarded as a cultural asset replete with national character.

It was renovated in 1994.