Report of Meeting of the Juche Idea Study Group of England and UK KFA -Report back from Juche Korea ‘ 02.11.2019

The Juche Idea Study Group of England , UK Korean Friendship Association and Association held a very successful meeting on the 2nd of November at 1400 hours to hear a report-back of the recent delegation of the Juche Idea Study Group of England , Juche Idea Study Group of Scotland and UK KFA to the […]

A trip on the Pyongyang Metro -by Dr Dermot Hudson(originally published on Anglo-People’s Korea) On the last day of our recent visit to People’s Korea (from the 7th of October to the  15th of October 2019)we went for a ride on the Pyongyang Metro . Of course it was not the first time that I had been the Pyongyang Metro. We left the hotel in our minibus. With […]

Roving Ambassador of Foreign Ministry of DPRK Blasts U.S. Plan to Resume Combined Aerial Exercise with S. Korea

Pyongyang, November 6 (KCNA) — Kwon Jong Gun, roving ambassador of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, issued the following statement Wednesday: Shortly ago, the U.S. Defense Department officially announced that it is pushing ahead with the procedure for resuming the combined aerial exercise with the south Korean army in December. […]

Miserable Situation of Japan Prolonging Days with Submission to Foreign Forces: KCNA Commentary

Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) — A written complaint for a radical revision of the unfair “Japan-U.S. status of forces agreement” was unanimously approved at a recent Okinawa Prefectural assembly. The agreement grants extraterritorial status to the U.S. forces in Japan, and Okinawa housing over 70 percent of the U.S. military bases in Japan has long […]

Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry Brands Country Reports on Terrorism as Grave Politically-Motivated Provocation

Pyongyang, November 5 (KCNA) — A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA on November 5 with regard to the fact that shortly ago, the U.S. Department of State found fault with the DPRK in the “country reports […]

KCNA Commentary Blames Japanese Reactionaries’ Claim to Right to Collective Self-Defense in Space

Pyongyang, November 4 (KCNA) — The Japanese reactionaries’ ambition for military expansion has reached the extreme. On October 16, the minister of Defence said on a public occasion that “it is possible to exercise the right to collective self-defense even in space”, adding that the “Self-Defence Forces” will act within the sphere of the Constitution […]

Another Test-Fire of Super-large Multiple Rocket Launchers Conducted in DPRK

Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) — The Academy of Defence Science of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea succeeded in another test-fire of super-large multiple rocket launchers on Thursday afternoon. The Academy of Defence Science organized the test-fire to verify the security of launchers’ continuous fire system. The successful test-fire result was directly reported to the […]