‘Propaganda of truth vs propaganda of lies and trash’-KFA UK special article by Alan Bolon , KFA UK Organisation Secretary, head of KFA UK West of England and editor of “People’s Korea Today “


Currently, according to data, 90% of the media is controlled by 6 global corporations that they own. The same multinational corporations are ruled by the only right in their opinion political ideology of liberalism in which fiction becomes fact.

 An American political activist and journalist, who was involved to ‘Black Panther Party stated this: ‘The media, itself an arm of mega – corporate power, feeds the fear industry, so that people are primed like pumps to support wars on rumor, innuendo, legends, and lies‘ ( Mumia Abu – Jamal )

 In fact, it is so, the mega-corporate power, to which the great press titles, television networks and information centres are subordinated, constantly conducts an intensive campaign of propaganda influence on the human consciousness for the purposes chosen for them. An example of this is the anti – Russian insults and lies about the military operation in Ukraine aimed at creating only one correct worldview and point of view for the purposes of these corporations in power. In this process, they create a massive amount of fiction. This fiction poisons the minds of people, which they try to manipulate by creating an image of the world that has nothing to do with reality and only serves to consolidate their dominance and create divisions into social classes in which ordinary working people are ‘fed’ with a vision of living in a fully democratic world of freedom and the freedom of a prosperous and happy life. This pseudo-democracy is a democracy of rich elite groups over the poor common people, the rule of the minority over the majority. However, the collision with everyday reality contradicts what the mainstream media serve us, showing the image of the ‘wonderful’ Western world of this pseudo-democracy and false freedom. 

 The world mass media and its counterparts in Great Britain is a propaganda system controlled by big capital and the richest people from the circles of the financial elite. From the capitalist’s ruling class. This system works to promote and serve so-called placeholder topics, gossip and social scandals, and cheap and non-deep valuable entertainment, along with promoting the American consumerist and selfish lifestyle. They promote in mass media lifestyle, focused on accumulating material wealth which, ironically, poor social classes will never achieve under the yoke of capitalism. Topics covered in the mass media of Western European countries, including Great Britain, are intended to distract the attention of the working class and all the poor social classes from the reality of everyday life, which is characterized by poverty and hardship in the midst of constantly rising prices and problems created by the oppressive ruling system by the exploitation and oppression of the ruling classes of the privileged owners of great capital, over the majority of society, which with hard work creates the values on which these parasitic social classes live from.

 The imperialist pro – Western media, whether in the press, television or online, constantly conduct endless propaganda activities according to the guidelines and directions of the main world imperialist forces, which are harnessed in the great financial and economic machine of large industrial corporations and banks. It is these financial and economic elites of the imperialist countries of global capitalism, that dictate the conditions of what and how is to be presented in the mass media. The existence and truth about the reality of a country that has never submitted and will not submit to this dictate – is of course not welcome to them. This is why the DPRK is completely demonized and misrepresented in the mainstream media. DPRK does not submit to the dictates of the world’s great financial corporations and does not allow their capitalist economic activities on its territory for obvious reasons. The elites creating the main information stream in the world have no influence on the social life and information culture of DPRK and thus are not satisfied with this fact, hence the massive hostile information and media attack full of falsehood and lies about the reality of socio – economic and cultural life in DPRK. 

 Again and again, we are surprised by new alarming news about an evil dictator from bad ‘North Korea’, a country of concentration camps, famine and repression, who is just waiting to launch nuclear missiles against good and brilliantly ordered well-off peoples from democratic Europe or first guardian of freedom USA, and the rest of the free world or who is torturing people or other revelations. How many peoples are aware of this nonsense? 

 This and other nonsense is made on the orders of the anti – DPRK imperialist trend, which is very massive and financially funded by the governments from taxes of the ordinary citizens. It is a constant propaganda fight and bombardment of DPRK with more and more new information about food problems, restrictions on freedom, etc. And even the Koreans from the DPRK have a good laugh reading all these Western propaganda stupidities for which the ordinary taxpayer pays. Nevertheless, this is no cause for laughter. Because many people still think and say what the Western mass media and their leaders want. The level of understanding of the mechanisms of manipulating the truth and the real reasons for creating a bad image of the DPRK country among the Western society of capitalist countries is still very small. That is why here we have a great role and task to fight for the truth, fight to show the true face of DPRK and expose lies and distortions about DPRK and the people living there.

 In the Western world, the word and meaning of propaganda are extremely distorted. However, ironically, the Western media themselves use the propaganda they criticize so much for its use in the system of a socialist state. Propaganda itself is neither good nor bad. Only the purpose for which it is used and the means for its use determine its positive or negative character. In Western newspapers and online news media including the UK, we can read about useless and stupid rumours about the royal family of parasites, or about their idle lives and travels around properties and castles along with details of their personal lives, about their rich life. This is to occupy public attention and divert it from the problems of everyday poor life. Also, the content of newspapers illustrated in capitalist realities, for example in the UK, looks poor. Most of the volume, reaching half of the content of the magazine, are various types of advertisements for food and industrial products, catering establishments, travel agencies and all kinds of consumer goods. The articles presented in these newspapers are beautiful travels around the world or stories about a rich and prosperous life that the working class in a country where it is exploited simply cannot afford.

 The immortal words recorded in the works of the great leader of the working class, Vladimir Lenin, carry a universal truth even and especially today: ‘All over the world, wherever there are capitalists, freedom to buy newspapers, to buy writers, to bribe, buy and fake ‘public opinion for the benefit of the bourgeoisie ( V. Lenin ‘A Letter to G. Myasnikov’ )

That’s how big corporations work indeed. They bribe and create false public opinion that has nothing to do with the real opinion of people who are under capitalist oppression and fooled by them, rich bourgeois classes. This is where such idiotic publications full of nonsense come from, such as the last book ‘Spare’, in an era of progressive exploitation and a decline in living standards. This book full of stupid myths shows how bourgeois corporations created a legend from nothing. A man can consider himself to be more than others by his idle life. 

 In great contrast to the Western press is informational service from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. in this country, truth is at the highest price and for which state-owned agencies serve. DPRK is a country with a political and economic system where man, not profit, is the most important, i.e. DPRK, the life of ordinary citizens is shown, and if they are extraordinary, it is not only by the fact of their birth in the conditions of maintaining the feudal class system of the royal family like Prince Harry but by their hardworking, full of dedication and patriotism everyday life by the DPRK society. It is significant for the heroism of ordinary people. In this country, the popular masses are the creator of welfare, and in this country the masses of the people are the creators of prosperity, which is unattainable for capitalist countries, which create the same prosperity for selected elites at the expense of exploitation, for which the bribed media stupefy the society, keeping it in the belief of freedom and democracy. In DPRK society itself creates a happy reality and this reality is shown in the media as it is without lies and falsehood. The media do not work for the profit of selected elites, but for the whole society and its good. 

 So, what can we find in the DPRK magazines and press? Articles and information from the socio-political life of the united nation. Attitudes of patriotic effort in the process of building happy prosperity for the whole society and news from the lives of ordinary people, their successes and problems. No orders from the rich elite, no stupid or embarrassing and decadent advertisements for expensive goods or nobody needed and artificially created services such as investing in the stock market or speculating on the capitalist market, that is supposed to bring another profit for the rich bourgeois class. It is completely different. Ideological and cultural values and patriotism reign in the right propaganda message of the DPRK media and positively affect social awareness.

 For example, looking at the news headlines in DPRK and UK, it is easy to see how much they differ from each other in the context of the presented news. In the daily and periodic press of DPRK, we can find great examples of patriotism and role models in life for everyone. Thus, the contrast between the subject matter of the information and the articles presented between the socialist press of the DPRK and the western press of the imperialist countries is enormous. 

 At the end of this article, it is worth quoting a situation that happened to me quite recently. In a sharp polemic with a work colleague about the thesis I pushed about the lack of a magazine truly expressing the needs and real life of the working class in the UK, this colleague claimed that there is such a newspaper … ‘The Guardian’. Because, as he claimed, ‘The Guardian’ is for ordinary people and regards ordinary issues of their daily life, because … newspaper is on the left scene of the British working class and serves her etc. The next day, I brought him the issue of ‘The Guardian’ I had purchased and asked: Do you see any issues of truly everyday life of the British working class, the daily problems and concerns in these articles about the capitalist market, stock charts and other capitalist liberal gibberish? Because I do not. He didn’t answer anything.

Alan Bolon – KFA UK Organisation Secretary , head of KFA UK West of England and editor of “People’s Korea Today ‘

(Article first appeared in the March issue of “People’s Korea Today ” )