Report of KFA UK Picket-No to War Exercises! No to south Korean repression! Down with south Korean puppet fascist regime! 05.03.2023
The Korean Friendship Association of the UK(KFA UK ) held a picket of the south Korean puppet embassy on the 4th of March at 1500 hours. This was the first time since 2017 that KFA UK picketed the south Korean puppet embassy .The purpose of the picket was to protest against the forthcoming war exercises in south Korea as well as the wave of repression unleashed in south Korea and the south Korean puppet fascist regime in general .
Participating in the picket were activists and members of KFA UK including KFA West of England plus members of the New Communist Party, Internationalist Revolutionary Communist Party ,Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain ML British Posadists and progressive Latin American community in London.
Messages of support were received from KFA UK South Coast , KFA Greece , the International Central Central Committee for Songun Study and Bangladesh Songun Politics Study Group and the Polish Initative ‘ People’s Korea ‘.
The message from KFA Greece read in part ; “Comrades and friends, we, the Korean Friendship Association of Greece, applaud and support your action against the embassy that represents the occupied part of Korea, which has brought the atmosphere of aggression against the independent People’s Korea to yet another dangerous climax, always under the guidance of the US, which has brought the world to the brink of total war due to its interfering policy with the most notable case, the recent (as of 2022) escalation of the (again) US-staged war that is going on in Ukraine for almost a decade”
The message from the International Central Committee for Songun Study and Bangladesh Songun Politics Study Group said (excerpt) “We are from the International central committee for songun study and Bangladesh study group for study of songun policy strongly support the KFA UK holding a picket of the south Korean puppet embassy on the 4th of March, finding hands to hands solidarity to the picket on behalf of ICCSS and the Bangladesh Songun Politics Study Group . In our eyes, what you see? Only define a chorus of human rights and disarming of supper power weapons but not indicates the philosophy of proletariat democratic state is the best democratic country which has best democratic system of popular masses that’s totally out rooted the middle-class collaborators who are existing agency of imperialist allies”
Dr Dermot Hudson Chairman of KFA UK and chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea addressed the picket saying that “On the 13th of March the US and south Korea will begin to the so-called ‘ Freedom Shield ‘ military exercise which will run for 11 days until the 23rd of March It is openly admitted by the south Korean puppet media that the exercises actually include ‘leadership removal’ . This is absolutely outrageous as it not only is about doing harm to the supreme leadership of the DPRK but also the overthrow of the socialist system and conquest of the DPRK The US want to seize the massive mineral resources of the DPRK and open up the DPRK to imperialist exploitation’
The US and south Korean puppets will also carry out the ““Teak Knife.” special forces exercise prior to ‘ Freedom Shield ‘ , this exercise will include the AC-130J (aka Ghost Rider) gunship aircraft and will be the first time that the AC-130J has been deployed on the Korean peninsula”
Dr Hudson in his address also exposed the fascist and repressive nature of south Korea citing the recent raid on the HQ of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions as well as arrests of leftist and progressive activists. Dr Hudson stressed that south Korea is a puppet regime with no legitimacy , a creation of the US imperialists and that south Korea is simply the occupied southern half of the DPRK.
Picketers chanted ‘ Down with the south Korean puppet regime !’ ‘ south Korean puppets out ‘ “Korea is One ‘ and “US out of Korea ‘.
The flag of the DPRK was displayed by the picketers and also the KFA UK banner as well as banners of progressive political parties.
Leaflets were distributed to passers by and discussions were held . Many passers-byy expressed support for the picket and new members were even recruited to KFA UK.
A copy of Dr Hudson’s book ‘ The Great Conspiracy Against People’s Korea’ was sold .
Dr Hudson , KFA UK chairman , gave a detailed interview to a freelance journalis .
The Picket concluded at 1630 hours.