UK KFA responds to slander by NKNews

UK KFA responds to slander by NKNews

NKNews  have published their worst ever slander so far against UK KFA and its Chairman Dr Dermot Hudson.
 The founder of NKNews in the past worked for the German Marshall Fund of the USA which is widely regarded as a CIA front body ,as one journalist wrote of the Marshall Fund ” administration board is still made up by personalities who, most of them, are involved in secret actions undertaken by the United States.” . Also this individual worked for Center for Arms Control & Non Proliferation, another shadowy US body . Another NKNews staff member was in the US army and apparently “Facilitated successful execution of over 1100 military aircraft missions supporting operations in Afghanistan and Iraq”. Yet another NKNews staff member used to copy editor of the south Korean puppet propaganda mouthpiece “The Korea Herald ” On top of this their material is regularly sourced from the so-called “Daily NK ” an anti DPRK propaganda organ in south Korea under the control of the south Korean puppet National Intelligence Service and the CIA .The south Korean staff working for NKNews are from the south Korea NIS and south Korean army . NKNews is also thought to linked to the British MI6 and possibly other intelligence agencies.
  NKNews were responsible for harassing a UK KFA picket of the south Korean puppet embassy in November 2013 and illegally filming it .NKNews have illegally published the photos of UK KFA members without permission  thus breaking the law.
 NKNews have chosen to rely on the so-called testimony of a  person was actually expelled from KFA on the 22nd of April after a serious and substantial complaint by a long standing KFA member and activist was made on the 7th of April . The complaint stated that they witnessed from this individual very “unwanted acts of arrogance, classism and outrageous disrespect”  and a ” colonialist attitude ”  . Moreover  the individual concerned displayed a racist attitude towards other members by ” mocking my accent and doing that very racist thing of “what?say it again? I can’t understand you” when he understands every single word I say”  .  The complaint also stated that ” The same person that is supposed to look after the “security” and sees infiltrators every time a new comer shows any interest for the KFA but in practice sabotages the association like nobody can.” and ” I would like to quote James Whitcomb Riley and his duck test. “When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.” When I see a person that systematically sabotages people’s willingness and efforts I can only call that person a saboteur.”
      Thus this person was expelled from KFA taking on the basis of this complaint plus concerns raised by UK KFA officials in September 2018 about the suitability of the individual for a KFA role and KFA membership plus some earlier informal complaints made in August 2017. We became aware that there was something very wrong about this person during the September 2018 delegation. The individual concerned was given the chance to refute the allegations against him and present 3 letters of support from UK KFA members however he declined to do so .
  KFA has a policy of zero tolerance for racists and fascists . They are not permitted in our ranks.
  It can be added that the person concerned often expressed elitist views  which is out of place in an all inclusive organisation like KFA . For example he wanted to exclude people from certain backgrounds from meetings actually calling people on benefits and pensioners  ‘the dregs of society ‘ . He also said  that working class were not cultured enough” and “people of working people origin were not smart enough to know the names of a really exotic type of fruit.” He would also refer to ‘northern idiots ‘ and ‘northern drunks’ (meaning people from the north of England )
  As well as the complaint made by a member about the individual concerned , an investigation has turned up the following ;
– In Beijing, came out with comments in respect to Chinese people “looking all the same.
-also in Beijing shouted at Chinese hotel staff , this was witnessed by the whole delegation. Also was alleged to have been racist towards Air China cabin staff.
-Attempted to pit members of the UK KFA against each other
-acted in an anti-social way during the September delegation
– tried to pass judgement on people’s mental health which he is not qualified to do so and called for excluding people from UK KFA on the grounds of mental health.
-is still in possession of some UK KFA property namely some posters which he is not entitled to
– the traitor tried to profit off the backs of the Korean people by reselling a gold coin he had bought
-that the individual concerned is linked to the Conservative Party and ‘Conservative Friends of Israel’
  The accusations in the NKNews  article are all  false .  Our answers are as follows
  • there is the possibility for hardworking members of KFA and the Juche Idea Study Group of England to receive subsidies for visits to the DPRK when a surplus of  funds permit . This person was constantly pleading poverty saying  ‘I am from a one parent family’ and ‘ I am a poor working class student’ and pressed for money and free stuff from KFA , JISGE and the DPRK as much as he could. He always demanded a DPRK calendar for his granny
  • It is quite normal for small gifts from the DPRK to be given to members and not just one person.
  • This person did not contribute a single penny to KFA funds but was always trying to get KFA to give him stuff for free.In fact was never asked to contribute money to UK KFA other than the normal collection taken at the end of the meeting.
  • No one in UK KFA has ever been ordered to do anything , people volunteer for things .
  • The individual concerned was not promoted immediately but given a KFA role after several years, in fact after about 4 years of involvement – He volunteered for the role himself  and appeared to enjoy the importance  as well a perception of authority over others it gave him within KFA .
  • As to anti LGBT remarks ,KFA has a policy of not discriminating against anyone on the grounds of gender ,sex or orientation. It was this person who constantly made anti LGBT remarks and angered other members of the delegation in September 2018  repeatedly mentioning the subject so much that another member of the delegation said ‘just what is your problem ?’ . The person concerned also went on about ‘cross dressing ‘
  • This person took upon himself to look up people’s names on electoral registers no one asked him to .
  • This person constantly said that UK KFA was been infiltrated and tried to set himself as an amateur CHEKA , Stasi or Securiatate  . He was very keen to expel other people from KFA.
  • He did not work 10-15 hours for KFA , this is a completely false allegation, at best on average he did 1 or 2 hours of work for UK KFA per week if that . In the past year he has tended to be on foreign trips and not around
  • He did not book venues for meetings and events , this was done by others.
  • This person attempted to create paranoia within UK KFA  .
UK KFA members have been angered by the treachery of this individual . Members and activists have commented that ‘why they listening to him , he has no friends and is a twat’ , ‘he is a narcissist ‘, ‘he is a clearly some kind of spy’  , ‘ a spoilt brat’, a ‘baby throwing his toys out of the pram and  ‘ he is a worse scumbag than we thought ‘.
  The response of the individual to his expulsion has been truly vile. This has included attacks on the UK KFA chairman on Facebook, illegally publishing internal UK KFA conversations and private messenger conversations , threatening violence against UK KFA officials and members, trying to hand a KFA membership list to NKNews which again breaks the law.
 This individual despite pleading poverty all the time and demanding free trips to the DPRK told other members of the delegation that he had 3,000 Euros spending money , subsequently he made trips to the Ukraine, Germany and Vietnam .We wonder where the money is coming from ? Was he working for the other side all along ?, Indeed we wonder why he stayed in an organisation which he had parted company with in spirit .If he was so disillusioned as the article implies why didn’t have the honesty and integrity to leave ?
  UK KFA is not a cult . We have members from all walks of life and all ages .Members have a wide range of interests beside the DPRK . We have rail fans and sports fans within our ranks.
UK KFA totally rejects this vile attack on us and our work by the hack media and by a deceitful traitor . Our record speaks for itself , we actively defend the DPRK , doing what it says on the tin . Since the beginning of the year we have had 2 regional meetings , a picket and a poster exhibition
We hereby put NKNews on notice that we are considering legal action against them over this article and will make a formal complaint to the Independent Press Complaints Commission.