UN lies about People’s Korea !

Recently the so-called  on human rights in the DPRK,one Tomás Ojea Quintana claimed on Wednesday that that  people in the DPRK were being starved and that there was an increase in the number of ‘executions ‘. These are outrageous lies by the UN against People’s Korea,  and a total fabrication .

Needless  to say Mr Quintana has not set a single foot inside the DPRK or actually spoken to anyone inside the DPRK or consulted with representatives of the DPRK . The report complains that the DPRK closed its borders in order to prevent the spread of Covid 19 , so how can Mr Quitana be in any position to judge what is happening . It is transparently obvious to anyone that his report is made up .

Firstly , concerning the question of food in the DPRK .The DPRK does not live on imported food , most of the food is produced at home and the DPRK was even exporting seafood until they were banned from doing so under the UN sanctions . It is the miracle of Juche and self-reliance that the DPRK has been able to close its borders for a year and yet survive when some countries would not be able to last a few days  if they closed their borders.

As a matter of fact the farming season in the DPRK will not start until 1 or 2 months . Crops have not been sowed  yet  let alone actual rice transplanting and harvesting . The harvest is not due until the autumn so how on earth can the UN predict  crop failures and mass starvation ?.

In his report to the 8th Congress of the Workers Party of Korea held in January respected Marshal KIM JONG UN reported that

“The agricultural field waged an intensive drive for scientific farming and high yield despite persistent and severe drought, flooding and all kinds of shortages, and thus brought about an unprecedented increase in grain production”

So there has actually been a big increase in grain production, not a decrease  !

Recent pictures of the DPRK show mass rallies and meetings being held and no sign of starving people .

In fact citizens in the DPRK receive  free of charge or at very low cost the following; 500 grams of tofu, 300 grams of rice, 2 eggs, 250 grams of vegetables, 250 grams of fruit, bread and other baked goods, and 2 litres of beer on   a daily basis, They also receive virtually free housing and do not pay taxes.

The idea of children and old people begging in People’s Korea , a socialist country is impossible . If Mr Quintana wants to see people begging he should come to London and see people begging or homeless people or the long queues outside the foodbanks .

The report alleges that there have been an increase in the number of executions in the DPRK . In fact no executions have been reported in the DPRK since December 2013 . Moreover people whom the south Korean media and Western media allege that have been executed have turned up alive and well at a later date  !

The DPRK also granted an amnesty for all prisoners in Setpember 2020.

The report of the so-called UN  ‘Special Rapporteur’ is not based on any real evidence but on fabrications and lies of so-called ‘defectors’ as well as false information from the south Korean puppet regime.

The UN has long been exposed as a marionette of US imperialism . It has always had a dishonourable role in Korea . The US imperialists committed aggression under the DPRK in the 1950s under the flag of the UN and the now dissolved UN Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK) was a tool of US neo-colonialism and interference in Korea .

The so-called ‘human rights ‘ investigation into the DPRK by the UN has not a  not so well hidden anti DPRK , anti-socialist and anti-Juche agenda .It aims at the overthrow of People’s Korea and the socialist system of Juche.

UK KFA rejects the latest lies of the UN and US against People’s Korea !




