February 8, Juche 112 (2023) marks the 75th founding anniversary of the Korean
People’s Army.
The KPA’s history is a period in which it has been continuously strengthened
under the leadership of the great commanders.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, founding father of socialist Korea,
regarded organizing a powerful regular army as a prerequisite for building an
independent sovereign state after the country’s liberation from Japan’s military
occupation on August 15, 1945, and founded the KPA as regular revolutionary
armed forces, which inherited the traditions of the anti-Japanese struggle.
The US imperialists ignited the Korean war on June 25, 1950, when it was a little
more than two years after the founding of the KPA, but it defeated them and
achieved a historic victory in the war on July 27, 1953. Since then it has firmly
guaranteed the victorious advance of socialism in the country by frustrating the
ceaseless military provocations by the US imperialists. These owe all to the exploits
Kim Il Sung performed in building an army of the Juche type.
He advanced the strategic policy of simultaneously promoting economic
construction and strengthening national defence, and led the effort to implement it,
strengthening the country’s defence capability to the maximum.
The cause of building up the army of the Juche type was brilliantly carried
forward by Chairman Kim Jong Il’s outstanding idea of and leadership for army
In the mid-1990s, when the destiny of the country and nation was at stake, he
upheld the banner of Songun, and strengthened the politico-ideological might of the
KPA in every way. Then he further consolidated the driving force of the revolution
and staunchly defended socialism in the showdown with the allied imperialist forces
and led it along the path resplendent with victory. This constitutes his undying
The KPA has now greeted a golden age of its development under the leadership
of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.
At the outset of the new century of the Juche era, Kim Jong Un clarified the
new general task for building up the army, providing important guidelines for
further developing it.
Under his leadership the KPA is now demonstrating its dignity as a revolutionary
army possessed with politico-ideological superiority and the strongest military
capability in the world, and its profile is rising with each passing day.
As it is led by the great commander, the KPA will, in the future, too, add lustre
to the sacred history and traditions of a powerful revolutionary army and achieve only victory and glory.
1. Kim Il Sung standing at the rostrum to review the military parade of the Korean
People’s Army February Juche 37 (1948)
2. Kim Il Sung posing for a photograph with officials after awarding them the sub-machineguns, the first product of the country October Juche 38 (1949)
3. Kim Il Sung inspecting a KPA unit May Juche 39 (1950)
4. Kim Il Sung delivering a radio address, titled, Go All Out for Victory in the War, to the Korean people June Juche 39 (1950)
5. Kim Il Sung inspecting the site for building a tunnel October Juche 40 (1951)
6. Kim Il Sung talking with KPA soldiers on the front line April Juche 40 (1951)
7. Kim Il Sung talking with heroes of the DPRK and model soldiers June Juche 40 (1951)
8. Kim Il Sung examining and ratifying the Armistice Agreement July Juche 42 (1953)
9. Kim Il Sung waving back to the heroic officers and men of the Korean People’s Army, who won victory in the Fatherland Liberation War August Juche 42 (1953)
10. Kim Il Sung among the heroes of the DPRK August Juche 42 (1953
11. Kim Il Sung going over the weapon of a soldier of the KPA May Juche 54 (1965)
12. Kim Il Sung guiding a joint military exercise of the combined units of the KPA October Juche 59 (1970)
13. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il going over military hardware April Juche 75 (1986)
14. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il guiding the exercise of a KPA combined unit April Juche 78 (1989
15. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il standing on the rostrum to review the military parade held in celebration of the 60th founding anniversary of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army April Juche 81 (1992
16. Kim Jong Il inspecting the Dwarf-Pine Post January Juche 84 (1995)
17. Kim Jong Il looking around a warship of the Navy of the KPA February
Juche 84 (1995)
18. Kim Jong Il inspecting the army post at Panmunjom November Juche 85 (1996)
19. Kim Jong Il inspecting an island-defending unit November Juche 85 (1996)
20. Kim Jong Il in a forward command post April Juche 86 (1997)
21. Kim Jong Il in an observation post on the front line June Juche 86 (1997)
22. Kim Jong Il awarding a machine gun to a unit of the Navy of the KPA June Juche 86 (1997
23. Kim Jong Il congratulating the soldiers on their success in a military exercise January Juche 87 (1998)
24. Kim Jong Il inspecting an Air Force unit of the KPA December Juche 97 (2008)

25. Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un acknowledging the salute of a column during a
military parade October Juche 99 (2010)
26. Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un inspecting a KPA unit November Juche 100 (2011)
27. Kim Jong Un put forward the line of simultaneously carrying on economic construction and upbuilding of the nuclear forces at the March 2013 Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea March Juche 102 (2013)
28. Kim Jong Un among the service personnel of the KPA May Juche 102 (2013)
29. Kim Jong Un guiding the Fourth Conference of Company Commanders and Political Instructors of the KPA October Juche 102 (2013)
30. Kim Jong Un guiding a field exercise by sailors June Juche 103 (2014
31. Kim Jong Un guiding the Fifth Conference of Training Officers of the KPA April Juche 104 (2015)
32. Kim Jong Un guiding the Combat Flight Contest of Commanding Officers of the KPA Air and Anti-Aircraft Force-2015 July Juche 104 (2015)
33. Kim Jong Un guiding the KPA commandos’ striking contest August Juche 106 (2017)
34. Kim Jong Un guiding the test-fire of new-type large-calibre guided MLRS August Juche 108 (2019)
35. Kim Jong Un guiding a firing drill of long-range artillery sub-units of the KPA on the front October Juche 111(2022)
36. Kim Jong Un guiding a firing drill of flying corps of the Air Force of the KPA October Juche 111(2022)
37. Kim Jong Un guiding the test-fire of new-type ICBM on the spot November Juche 111 (2022)
38. Military parade held on the occasion of the founding of the Korean People’s Army February Juche 37 (1948)
39. The KPA service personnel liberated Seoul in a matter of three days after the war broke out
40. The KPA service personnel fighting in defence of Height 1211 at the cost of their blood
41. Officers and men of the KPA marching in fine array through the parade square filled with the pride of being victors in the war against the US imperialists August Juche 42 (1953)
42. PCE-56 being sunk by a KPA coast artillery unit after illegally intruding into
the territorial waters of the DPRK January 1967
43. The US armed spy ship Pueblo and its crew that were captured by the KPA Navy in January 1968 and the letter of apology in which the US government acknowledged its act of espionage
44. The US large reconnaissance plane EC-121 being shot down by the KPA after illegally intruding into the territorial airspace of the DPRK April 1969
45. A US military helicopter and its crew were captured after illegally intruding into the territorial airspace
46. KPA Tankmen’s Competition-2016 March Juche 105 (2016)
47. Demonstration of combined strike by different services of the KPA April Juche 106 (2017)
48. The KPA commandos’ striking contest August Juche 106 (2017)
49. Test-fire of new-type SLBM Pukguksong-3 conducted by the Academy of Defence Science October Juche 108 (2019)
50. Firing drill for checking the actual war capacity of the mobile railway missile regiment September Juche 110 (2021)
51. Test-fire of hypersonic missile January Juche 111 (2022)
52. Ballistic missile launching drill under simulation of loading tactical nuclear warhead at a silo under a reservoir September Juche 111 (2022)
53. Firing drill of flying corps of the Air Force of the KPA October Juche 111 (2022)
54. Firing drill of super-large MLRS October Juche 111 (2022)
55. Test-fire of long-range strategic cruise missile October Juche 111 (2022)
56. Test-fire of new-type ICBM November Juche 111 (2022)
57. Columns marching in the military parade held in celebration of the 90th founding anniversary of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army April Juche 111 (2022)
58. Columns marching in the military parade held in celebration of the 90th founding anniversary of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army April Juche 111 (2022)